Training Education and Management SystemWith TEAM, procedural and process training is created, managed, delivered, scored and tracked within one system. Includes development of training jackets based on performance requirements, delivery and tracking of employee training, and audit trail reporting. Team is ideally suited for QMP process training and auditing, safety compliance training, and certification training.
- Management of procedural training
- Upload of procedural documents
- Creation / Edit of documents
- E-learning
- Creation of individual employee training packages
- Training scheduled by training manager
- Training packages delivered to employee.
- Digital signature signoff by employee, trainer, and supervisor
- Generation of training records for documentation and audit.
Training Packages
- Generated for various jobs and individual employees
- Based on type of training and associated documents for jobs and employees
- Various quiz question types can be added
- All training (document or e-learning) based on procedural guidelines
- Training is associated with all organizational jobs
- Tracking for each individual employee
- Audit trails for all training and job definitions